The fair is planned and conducted according to Kentucky Department of Agriculture regulations for the use of state funds.
Everyone pays $15 admission which includes all events, parking and Midway.
1. Gate admission will constitute entry fee for all contests not having an entry fee.
2. There shall be no entry fee for exhibits.
3. Adult classes open to all exhibitors.
4. All exhibits must be owned by the exhibitor.
5. All exhibits remain the property of the exhibitor.
6. Premiums not filled remain the property of the Meade County Fair, Inc.
7. No combinations allowed except Junior Agriculture groups. 8. All exhibitors must secure a release from superintendent before removing exhibits from departments.
9. Any exhibits judged unworthy of showing shall not be exhibited. (Decision rests with superintendent of department.)
10. Any article exhibited that is not included in the premium list shall not be awarded a premium.
11. The management shall use the utmost care to guard and protect exhibits, but will not be responsible should losses or damages occur.
12. No exhibitor shall be allowed more than two exhibits in any one ring.
13. Exhibitors shall at all times give the necessary personal attention to whatever they may have on exhibition and at the close of the fair take charge of the same.
14. Premium checks will be mailed after the fair, as soon as possible.
15. Any premium check not cashed within 90 days after issue will be forfeited to Meade County Fair, Inc.
16. Experienced judges shall be engaged to judge the exhibits.
17. The decision of the awarding judges shall be final.
18. Premium ribbons have no value as to payment of premiums since premiums shall be paid from the record of the superintendent.
19. Any exhibitors attempting to interfere with the judges during the adjudications shall be promptly excluded from competition.
20. Vegetables shall be judged on marketable quality and usability.
21. The Meade County Fair shall furnish space on the fairgrounds for all exhibits, including pens for swine, dairy and beef, horses and mules.
22. Exhibitors shall furnish all necessary halters for dairy, beef, horses and mules.
23. Exhibitors shall furnish container for all exhibits such as: field seed and grain, fruits and vegetables, plants and flowers, etc.
24. Feed and bedding must be furnished by exhibitor of livestock.
25. Entries in the 4-H Club and Future Farmers of America classes are eligible to enter the Open Class rings, unless otherwise stated in departments.
26. The Meade County Fair will furnish a space for exhibits, exhibitors and spectators, but will not be responsible incase of loss or injury to either. Any questions not covered by the above rules and regulations shall be answered by the fair committee.
27. No premiums shall be paid if any of the above are broken.
28. Second prize money will be paid if there is only one entry except in animal classes.
29. All premium money will be prorated on percentage basis provided net profit does not exceed premium list.
30. Persons found guilty by the Meade County Fair of mis- conduct will forfeit any premiums and be asked to remove exhibits from grounds.
31. No reservations will be made for stalls. The stalls will be furnished on a first-come, first-served basis.
32. All 4-H and FFA entries must have been produced in conjunction with an approved project.
33. All entries and exhibits will be accepted between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., Monday, July 22, unless otherwise stated in departments.
34. All entries will be picked up Sunday, July 30, between 2 and 3:30 p.m. NO EXCEPTIONS.
35. Shirts And Shoes Required.
36. No Animals, No Drones And No Weapons
Notice is hereby given by the Meade County Fair Board Inc. hereinafter the “Board” that all vendors, commercial advertisers and entertainment facilities utilizing the Meade County Fairgrounds during the course of the Meade County Fair are independent contractors hereinafter the “inde- pendent contractor.” The independent contractor is not the agent, servant or employee of the Meade County Fair Inc. or the board. Any and all intentional or negligent acts, statements, representations, or warranties, either oral or written, expressed or implied, made by or on behalf of said independent contractor in relation to any matter including, but not limited to any products, goods or services, shall be the sole responsibility of the independent contractor and the board disclaims any responsibility or li- ability thereafter. All future references to the Meade County Fair Inc. in this catalog are here and after referred to as Meade County Fair, the DBA for the Meade County Fair Inc.